Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I'm a Prophet, now what?

So I just finished a Spiritual gifts inventory and it told me that I have the gift of Prophecy. The book says about Prophecy:

"the gift of speaking the word of God clearly and faithfully. Prophets allow God to speak through them to communicate the message that people most need to hear. While often unpopular, prophets are able to say what needs to be said because of the spiritual empowerment they receive. Prophets do not foretell the future, but they proclaim God's future by revealing God's perspective on our current reality."

I feel that this does speak well to me. For those that only think of prophecy as telling the future I would say no, but to hear that it is proclaiming God's future. I pray for wisdom and grace as I pray for courage to proclaim the future God holds before us.

Will you join me?

Pastor Eric

Saturday, October 25, 2008


It is always a interesting day when we take the tiem to look with a sharp edge about where we are and where we should be going. Today we see that our lives need to start with motion toward a clear and functional goal. What gets measured is what gets done. Let us start expecting some inspection.